Friday 5 June 2015

Season summary

In this post I will do a summary of 2014/2015 season for my Premier league strategy. It finished about break even.
Last bet on Man U vs Arsenal finished with U 2,5 goals and a loss of 150€.
There were 5 bets in total, all on over 2,5 goals.

Starting bank: 3000€
Total profit on 17/5/2015: -150€
ROI: -0.01%
Final bank on  17/5/2015: 2994€

I know that for some of you this will look very flaky. But remember there were only 5 bets so break even scenario is normal sequence.
I started placing bets only in March so in the next post I will do the data for whole season. What would had happen if we started to bet in October?

Good luck for all in June!