Saturday 6 August 2016

August 2016 update

Things went rather well since the last post on 15th of June.
Difference between my assets (only my bankroll is counted here, not my house,car and other minor assets) and liabilities went up from -24900€ to -22300€ for 31.7.2016
In other words 2600€ saved in 45 days or savings rate of 1733€ monthly!
Then between June and July I spent 11 days on holidays with my family which not only meant irregular expense of 1600€ but also I really worked only around 30 days.
July was also the 5th month in a row in which I saved money.
So considering my last years performance where I was consistently losing money year after year this is truly great and deserved turnaround!
Goal for this year was to save at least 15000€ and if I will keep up with current earnings and savings rates I should get there.

Another important (most important) story of last 45 days is my health problems are almost solved. I have an irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
What was helping me with digestion was HCL betaine hydrochloric acid which is just a stomach acid and some enzymes for food digestion like pancreatin.
Levels of HCL I was taking was alarming - 4 to 5 (2600 to 3250mg) capsules with every main meal and results were still sketchy.
But on Tuesday last week I had particularly bad andpainful digestion problem after just drinking 4 cups of earl grey tea. I've done some searching and found about FODMAP diet. And man, what a relief that was!
Following this diet I feel so much better. I don't need almost any stomach acid, when I take more than half a capsule I get serious heartburn.I also barely use enzymes.
It is interesting there is a connection between this diet and stomach acid production. If somebody can shed a light on this I will gladly listen.

Third important thing is I have found an opportunity outside the whole gambling,betting industry. It will require some cash, modest doses of my time but should provide good rates of return. It's still fresh and I personally didn't obtain any return on it but I saw first hand how it's done.
I will dedicate some time for it and let's see if it can provide.

Main challenge now is not to get healthy, not finding a way to black numbers but be looking for opportunities and keep growing with same humility and dedication as when I was burning money month in month out.